Dan 3

I had just went out of my tent after eating supper when Goodwin took me to Lieutenant Roberts tent. He accused me for disobeying the Governor’s orders by stealing a hunting dog from the natives. After taking a sigh full of sorrow and joy, he told me to have good night’s sleep and that he had no choice but to flogme.



The next day, Goodwin and I got sent to build a triangle. Whilst we were doing that,                  Waruwi came with something wrapped in animal skin as I came towards her Goodwin warned about how much trouble I was in but I didn’t bother listening to him. As I looked inside I saw a puppy. Goodwin and I couldn’t wait to tell Lieutenant Roberts!


After some time soldiers came to whip me with those dangerous looking cat’o’nine tails with nine whips on them. As Lieutenant Roberts came towards he told me again why I was getting flogged. As he complained about me I revealed the puppy and explained him that wouldn’t it be easier to train a puppy how to hunt rather than a hunting dog which belongs to the natives living here.






Dan 1788

I was in the bushes in our new colony getting some grass for some of our horses when a dog like creature behind me started to sniff me. As I went to the barracks the Captain inquired ,“ Was that a  native dog behind you”. “ Yes ,Sir,” I replied. “We might need that”, thought the Captain. “After all we don’t have a hunting dog, Boys we’re going hunting,” he declared. “Yes ,Sir,” they all replied.



I went with my fellow friend /soldier to get that hunting dog. Suddenly we heard a growl. “ Did you heard that,” he said. “No,” I said. “ Anyways, I want you to go that way,” he whispered. And so I did. And when I went there it was, the same tree I saw before. “Warruwi! Warruwi!”I said alerted. AS quick as flash she came down and she started to play around. Then came that native dog. Were they friends I wondered.


Then came a distinct voice, “ Dan have you got him”. Quickly, I got the rope and put it around the creatures neck. Then I heard a distinct cheer. AS I got the dog and walked it out of the bush I took it back to the barracks. “ Hey you, never escape from here because, see those muskets there , they are fully loaded,” I warned.


Suddenly, the dog started sniffing. As it waddled around so did I. Then it took me out of the camp. “Ouch,” I said. As my fellow friend who had caught a glimpse of what had a happened he quickly called the captain shouting, “ The natives a attacking.” When the captain came out it suddenly stopped. He got his telescope out and looked and there It was. It was Warruwi…

Convict John Aged 9 Diary Entry

I was cleaning some rich person’s chimney and getting scolded at too. And if I stood up to retain my self respect I would’ve been beaten up an sent to execution. Sadly, I went down the mansion’s chimney and as you know if you’re poor and you see a shiny pistol fully loaded with bullets you would want it so badly.Suddenly, heard another abusive word coming at me which put my attention right back onto the chimney and then my clothes. I looked up and looked around if anyone was there but there wasn’t. Here was my chance. It was now or never.


I sneaked up to get pistol when my eyes caught glimpse of an apron, brand new that would be worth a lot of shillings I thought. So first I got the pistol and then a the apron. In the midst, I didn’t realise that the man of the household’s child was sitting on the staircase and had saw me stealing it. “Daddy that labourer stole yourself pistol and apron!” she complained. Her dad came down and called the runners immediately.


As quick as lightning, I ran out the door but bumped into people who I knew were the runners. They dragged me by the legs as my blood ran down by dirty and muddy knees. They dragged me to the court where the judge accused me or stealing a pistol and an apron. “Oh come on I am only a nine year old after all who doesn’t even know the meaning of stealing!” I protested. But the judge didn’t listen. All he said was, “ Guilty or not guilty what do you plead.” “Nothing sir,” I said frightened. “You shall be sent to Australia to be a labourer,” he boomed “Nooooo!” I protested.


My Place – 1788

Mung ( My Place) 1788

It was evening, and I felt bored, gee I wanted to do somethingOur new leader Burani is so rude and arrogant. And not boast but I could be a better leader. He forced us to do things that we do not want to do Suddenly, I heard some distinct arguing between Barangaroo and Burani. 

They fighting who was going to go fishing. Confidently, Barangaroo challenged “ I challenge you to a dance-off,”. Burani’s big like eyes looked shocked in defeat. He knew that he will never beat Barangaroo in a dance-off but for courtesy sake, he accepted the challenge. 

Barangaroo started her dance and her first animal was so easy to guess, “Emu” I said and Barangaroo nodded to show that I was correct. Her second animal was a snake because I could tell it by her movement which was slow and sleek. Her last animal which’s movements were jumpy and careful was a wallaby. 

Slowly and nervously, Burani and his beefy body with hardly any neck came to the front. His first animal we could tell was a bird but what bird? Kookaburra, eagle? No? Then in frustration, he did his next animal and that one was even worse he was clapping under is legs. What animal does that?  

The competition had ended and Burani and his beefy body with hardly no neck looked defeated.  Barangaroo looking confident thinking that I will go fishing and dreaming of it all. Then, Burani asked us to vote for who was going to go fishing I the haste of us Barangaroo he gave us a evil stare and we all voted for Burani ,our most arrogant leader in history. After, I went Barangaroo who was sad, “ you should have won”, I complained. “But it isn’t fair”, I protested.  

“It’s alright”, said Barangaroo.