100wc W10 T3

And there he was President Truman  ready to launch the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and opposite to him was the creator of the atomic bomb  J. Robert Oppenheimer. As I was the person who was going to blow up Nagasaki and Hiroshima I watched the two exchange a bomb which will kill a lot of people ,for money.  Finally, Oppenheimer asked Truman , if he is sure he wanted to take this action. And with no doubt Truman said yes and that he wanted to finish this war .Now and forever.


2 days later…


BANG! went the bomb and suddenly there was a blackout…

100wc T3 W9

And here I am in the alive city of New York ready to get some new fancy clothing and a new bike. As I went into the shop only one bike came to my sight. ‘ That is an absolute beauty’, I thought. I looked at bike I could imagine the adventures I would take with her. Better than my horse. So I took the bike and rode it down the hill back to Ironbark. And as I  went downhill… “Noooooooo!” I exclaimed as my  head got stuck in a piece of hay. After that,  I realised I should just stick to my horse.



We were learning about song lyrics today. So we made a remix of our school hymn (Thus we adore thee) in class. Here is mine .

It is your blo-od that;

Keeps your heart Pump-ing;

Active and living;

Stands your bo-dy;

Keep us al-l living;

Where our body’s healthy;

Thus, we adore thee.